Tamarind is a multipurpose, perennial and evergreen tree. Fruit is a legume which is also known as pod measuring 12 to 15 cm (4.7 to 5.9 inches) long with hard and brown shell. Fruit has juicy, fleshy and acidulous pulp. The flesh has brown or reddish brown color. Seeds are flattened and are glossy brown in color. It has sweet and sour taste. It has high content of sugar, tartaric acid and Vitamin B. A mature tree produces up to 36 lb. (175 kg) of fruit a year. It needs dry period for good fruit set and frequent rains at the time of flowering and development of fruit. It is resistant to drought and could be grown in semi-arid areas, salt tolerant and could also be found near the sea shores. Tamarind pulp possesses 3.1% protein, 20.6% water, 0.4% fat, 3.0% fiber, 70.8% carbohydrates and 2.1% ash. The pulp has low content of water and high content of protein, minerals and carbohydrates.